From the age of 1, I loved real food. As an infant, I didn't eat baby food- I ate mashed up vegetables and fruits instead of some wild concoction that people thought babies would like. And that's impacted my eating habits today. Now, I enjoy real and exotic food that might not seem as appealing to others. For example, an octopus. At age 4, I had my first bite and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. In Language Stars, though, we were having a snack. I took one look at a slice of American cheese and decided that, no I was not eating this, and from then on American cheese has been called "Plastic cheese" and in our household, that will forever be it's name. That doesn't mean that I won't eat a grilled cheese - that is one of the food options on the top of my list. At the grocery store, my mom always says that if I can identify the majority of the ingredients on the ingredient list , I can buy it. If not, we'll have some discussion. Basically, if it's not real, I'm out.
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